Making Changes That Matter
After ruminating on the year behind me, I considered what I want for the year ahead. The answer came to me immediately: I want balance.
AI and What It Means for Writers
The objections to the typewriter were the bleating heart of nostalgia. Such feelings occur when a change is so unfamiliar it frightens us back to comfortable corners. Such are the objections to AI writing tools today. This is a guest blog written by Zoë Routh.
How to write concisely
Concise writing clearly expresses itself in the fewest number of words. Because it doesn’t carry any baggage, it speeds along the page. Here’s how to create it.
Wield the Power of Suspense
Even if you don’t write mysteries, thrillers, or suspense novels, you can use elements of suspense to inspire readers to turn pages.
Perks of Being a Writer
There are reasons to write that have nothing to do with making money. While we wait for our books to land on those recommended and best-selling lists, we can enjoy the PERKS OF BEING A WRITER.
Trouble Focusing?
As soon as my self-publishing life began, I started to lose that wonderful, easy focus I once naturally enjoyed. Here’s how to get it back.
8 Worldbuilding Tips Not for Sci-Fi Writers Only
Worldbuilding is a tricky topic for many writers. Here are 8 tips to help you along.
A Starred BlueInk Review for Bright Blue Planet
My first professional review for Bright Blue Planet has come in, and it’s a starred review! Click here to read….
10 Things I Didn’t Know About Becoming an Author
There are many things you learn as you go when you finally self-publish your first book. Here are 10 Things to put you ahead of the game.
The Writing of Book 3: Bright Blue Planet
After self-publishing Book 2, Jovian Son, I didn’t want to jump directly into writing Book 3. I hadn’t even planned to write a third book after the duology. But that soon changed because Evander Peterman, persistent and charismatic, kept barging into my office, spouting ideas of where to go with the story.
Are you a marketing expert?
Gordon MacKinney has written a guest blog about marketing and the Bookbub Featured Deal.
A Dating App for Your Book
I’m always on the lookout for new ways to connect with potential readers, and a few weeks ago, this one came to me. It’s called Booky Call, and it’s a new way to meet readers.
Sleeping with the Editor
Guest blogger Cookie Boyle started her book before meeting her husband. He had given her feedback on her plays, and she gave him feedback on his scripts. But her novel was different. It predated their time together, so she thought she could and should finish it on her own.
The Book Blog Tour
You’re ready send your book into the world, and the best way to do that is to shine a light on it. In a busy industry of constant new releases, a book blog tour can help.
How to Launch a Novel
Third time’s the charm, they say. They also say, “Live and learn.” I’ve launched two books so far, and I’ve learned A LOT from both of them.
It's January Again, Have You Ordered Your Planner Yet?
Are you a goal setter? While I have general, ongoing daily, weekly, and monthly goals, I’ve always felt a little lame about not being an annual sort of thinker.
Be a Better Self-Editor
Self-editing is about seeing what’s really there and recognizing what is not but should be. Here is a short checklist to help you do it well.
How to collaborate with indie authors
It’s not magic, and there’s nothing complicated about it. It begins simply by reaching out.
A somewhat snarky look at 5 self-publishing myths
These 5 self-publishing myths could be holding you back.
To give it away or not to give it away, that is the question
What do you think about independent authors who give their book away? If you're an author, do you give yours away? If you're a reader, do you think less of the book when you see that it's free? There are advocates for both sides of this coin, and I discuss the reasons for and against here.