The #1 Thing You Need to Know in Order to Survive Self-Publishing
There are a gazillion readers out there, and no possible way to please them all. This is something you need to understand now so that you can move forward in a smart way.
Give Yourself Permission
I spent much of my life wanting to publish and feeling convinced that I was not ready to publish. That changed in 2021. And now, in 2023, I have four books published. If this sounds really fast or surprising to you, multiply that by ten, and that’s how surprising it sounds to me.
Marketing Is the Reward for Writing Your Book
Guest blogger Mike Magluilo didn’t start writing a novel because he has a natural gift for sales, hustling likes and retweets, or newsletters. All of these things rattled his enthusiasm. But a change in mindset has made all the difference.
Are you a marketing expert?
Gordon MacKinney has written a guest blog about marketing and the Bookbub Featured Deal.
A Dating App for Your Book
I’m always on the lookout for new ways to connect with potential readers, and a few weeks ago, this one came to me. It’s called Booky Call, and it’s a new way to meet readers.
Treat your all-important subscribers list like gold
If there’s one thing all the experts agree on these days, it’s the importance of your subscribers list.