A Starred BlueInk Review for Bright Blue Planet


Bright Blue Planet

Kim Catanzarite

Forster Publishing, 253 pages, (ebook) $4.99, 978173592246 (Reviewed: April 2023)

Bright Blue Planet is the third novel in Kim Catanzarite’s captivating science fiction series featuring protagonist Evander Peterman of the wealthy, mysterious Jovian family.

This installment, told in third person, is the first not narrated by Evander Peterman’s mother, Svetlana. The story picks up more than 10 years after the last. While readers can benefit from reading the previous books, They Will Be Coming for Us and Jovian Son, this story can stand alone: The situation is set up quickly, the characters and backstories introduced smoothly, and the narrative immediately embraces readers effortlessly.

Since the previous novel, Evander was elected U.S. president. He was so popular and effective— bringing world peace and solving pressing problems such as climate change— the Constitution was changed so he could serve an unprecedented third term.

Now, he’s out of office and living with his wife and children (and a Secret Service detail) in the small Pennsylvania town where the Jovian family’s aerospace corporation, Starbright International, is headquartered. The Jovians are actually a race of aliens from Jupiter who have watched over humans to care for the Earth. Evander is the first Jovian-human hybrid and has special abilities to connect with people, in addition to the Jovian ability to communicate telepathically.

This time, he finds himself facing a crisis between humans and clones who have been relegated to second-class citizens in low-paying, expendable roles as police, security and front-line personnel. As the clones seek to choose their own lives, clashes with humans are inevitable. The drama also involves Jovian family dynamics and a former FBI agent from earlier books who now is part of Starbright’s security force.

Catanzarite is a fine storyteller who engages readers with clear, direct writing and believable dialogue. She’s built a credible Jovian universe and populated it with characters she knows through- and-through, which helps readers feel comfortable with and look forward to every step of the ongoing saga.

Fans will be thrilled to learn that the story’s ending indicates another installment will follow.


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