self-publishing Kim Catanzarite self-publishing Kim Catanzarite

Sleeping with the Editor

Guest blogger Cookie Boyle started her book before meeting her husband. He had given her feedback on her plays, and she gave him feedback on his scripts. But her novel was different. It predated their time together, so she thought she could and should finish it on her own.

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self-publishing, book marketing, free promotion Kim Catanzarite self-publishing, book marketing, free promotion Kim Catanzarite

To give it away or not to give it away, that is the question

What do you think about independent authors who give their book away? If you're an author, do you give yours away? If you're a reader, do you think less of the book when you see that it's free? There are advocates for both sides of this coin, and I discuss the reasons for and against here.

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self-publishing, mistakes to avoid Kim Catanzarite self-publishing, mistakes to avoid Kim Catanzarite

9 Mistakes Self-Publishers Can (and Should) Avoid

I’ve been in publishing long enough to know there are several general mistakes—some of them seriously detrimental—that indie authors need to be aware of and avoid. By that I mean, don’t assume you’re the exception to the rule. If you are doing (or not doing) one of the things on this list, you are in serious danger of sabotaging your precious novel or nonfiction book.

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