Make 2025 the Year You Finish Your Novel—And Publish It
Many people have trouble reaching the end of their first novel. That's understandable. It’s a big undertaking however you look at it. Here’s the guidance you need to help get you through.
Tips for Coauthorship
When you work with another author, there are many considerations that have to be made because you’re not going it alone. Guest blogger Emily Romero shares her insights.
You are your own last judge
Being your own last judge means that you are in control. You are the big boss. The one who ultimately makes the decisions—all of the decisions, including which changes to make to your manuscript.
Create a Formidable Antagonist
No one is all bad, not even your antagonist. Here are some tips to bringing the bad guys to life.
Read the First Chapter of The Moon Children
Read the first chapter from my newest book, The Moon Children.
Proofread Like a Pro
Achieving clean copy from cover to cover requires a mammoth amount of effort. Here's my process.
Are you feeling stuck? Do this exercise
If you’re asking yourself, Why am I doing this? Why am I trying to accomplish something that’s so hard?, then you should read this post.
Do your characters have disabilities? Enter the Sensitivity Reader
My books are populated with characters of varying strengths and weaknesses, abilities and disabilities. One of them requires a wheelchair. Is my portrayal accurate, believable, positive? Enter the Sensitivity Reader.
Shoot for the Moon
I’ve noticed that even with my favorite books, there is usually something I don’t love about the book. The interesting thing, I think, is that I still love that book unconditionally.
Turn fact into fiction
When guest blogger Carla Luna decided to chart her course as an indie-published author, she knew she wanted to write a series of romantic comedies set in the world of archaeology. What better way to make use of her past profession than to fictionalize it?
5 ways to turn your plot into a page turner
What is it about a story that compels readers to stay up far later than they should? Why is it we have trouble getting to the end of one book, yet we fly through another?
11 signs you’re ready to self-publish
It’s a tough decision for a writer to make, one of the toughest. All your life you’ve fantasized about one of the Big Five buying your book and its subsequent astronomical launch into the stratosphere. But it hasn’t happened yet. When do you turn off the traditional road and drive toward the indie aesthetic?
5 tips for writing a sequel
Until I wrote Jovian Son, I’d never attempted to write a sequel. I was nervous about it. It felt like new territory. But as soon as I began to write, I realized it was actually easier than starting a new story.
Author puts cart before the horse and lands an agent
One writer shares her process for crafting a novel.
You’re busy writing, so why should you make time to read?
Unlock the secret power reading provides writers.
Improve your writing skills without actually writing
A writing exercise you can do while you’re decking the halls.
Support your fellow literary citizens
As literary citizens, indie authors can give back in many ways. Here are a few of them.
When Feedback Is What You Need, Turn to Beta Readers
Beta readers read your manuscript and provide constructive criticism on the big things like pacing, plot, characters, and voice. They are not friends, parents, siblings, or anyone else who will worry about hurting your feelings.
7 Answers from an Author: Roger Crossland
This week’s 7 Answers from an Author column features indie author R. L. Crossland, who most recently published The Abalone Ukulele.