A Pep Talk (for whenever you need one)

I want to talk about the moments of insecurity that come with self-publishing.
Perhaps it will make you feel better to know that no one in publishing knows what they’re doing.
Yes, that was meant to be funny. It’s funny because it’s the truth!
What I mean is, many editors know what they’re doing, and some writers know how to write a good book, and I’m sure the marketing experts are stellar at their jobs, but in general, NO ONE knows if a book will do well or if a cover is the “right” one or whether they are making the “best” decisions that will ensure the book’s success.
When it comes to your own book, it’s really hard to have perspective. Is it good? Is it bad? Should I feel confident about it? Will I be embarrassed by it? Will the reviewers like it? What kind of reviews will I get—and what awful things might they say?

Or will I win awards and reach the bestseller lists, quit my job, and spend all my time writing, writing, writing from now until eternity?
The answer to each of these questions is, “Yeah, maybe.”
Self-publishing is filled with moments of insecurity. Expect them.

If you’re creating your first book, moving through the process is going to be intense. The truth is, self-published or traditionally published, no author knows if they've done the right thing, made the right choices, written a book that others will enjoy. That's just the way it is.
You'll do your best and put it out there. After that, the only thing that's up to you, really, is to be sure you get it into readers' hands.
That’s all you can do.
Then go back to your desk, write another one, and enjoy the process as much as you can.


On Feedback and Trusting Your Gut


Your Book (and your brain) Need to Breathe