Bring on the grit, says writer of romantic suspense

Indie author Tricia T. LaRochelle has written two page-turning romantic suspense novels, Flickering Heart and Revive (releasing Sept. 29, 2022). In this interview, she very candidly shares what it took to prepare her first book for publication, what you can do right now to market your books, and much more.

+ How long did it take you to write your most recent book, and what do you miss about it now that it’s finished?

I always have a hard time answering this question. I think it’s because Flickering Heart has been thrown out and rewritten three times. After that, I spent a good number of years working on my craft and getting my editing business up and running, not to mention assisting a prominent literary agent for several years as well. Flickering Heart has been through years of active editing and just as many years of dormancy.

What do I miss? Right now, I am working on the sequel, so I still have the story and the characters as active participants in my life. When/if I ever end this series and start another, I will miss the characters tremendously. They are my imaginary family, so to speak.

+ What’s one book (fiction or nonfiction) that changed your life?

The Bronze Horseman by Paulina Simmons. It’s a love story that takes place during WWII between a Russian soldier named Alexander and a civilian woman named Tatiana who lived in Leningrad when Germany invaded the Soviet Union. I have always been drawn to tragic romances, and this story blew me away. I loved how much the characters were willing to sacrifice to be together. In my opinion, that’s what true romance is all about.

+ What’s one thing you wish you had learned about the writing, publishing, or marketing/promotion process sooner than you actually did?

I actually feel as though I am learning things at the right pace and at the right time. And that has held true throughout this process. There were times when I felt I would never get to where I am now, but when I look back, I’m glad the process followed the path that it did.

+ If you could go back in time and talk to the writer you were at the start of your writing journey, what advice would you give yourself?

I would tell myself never to give up, and I would encourage my younger self to start taking my writing career more seriously and sooner. It takes confidence and courage to become a self-published author, and I lacked both for far too long.

+ What’s one thing writers can do right now to improve their writing?

I think writers need to be patient with the process and give their work the time and attention it so deserves. I read books by self-published authors that don’t look ready to me. The work is sloppy and the story structure is weak. Even traditionally published books can appear that way. Rushing this important process can leave the work appearing unfinished. My advice would be to take your time, learn everything you can, and be willing to help those who help you.

+ What’s one thing authors can do right now to promote their book?

One thing writers can do to promote their book is hire a PR team to help them with their launch. For a modest fee, there are firms that can boost your launch efforts considerably.

+ What’s your next move?

My next move is to launch the sequel to Flickering Heart, titled Revive (publishing Sept. 29). I am so excited to get both books out there to complement each other and allow the readers another chance to follow my characters through their journeys.

Tricia T. LaRochelle is obsessed with tragic love stories. No beach reads for her. Bring on the grit with a double side of turmoil. She likes to feel the character’s anguish as they fight to overcome obstacles to be together. Growing up in central Vermont, she has seen her share of tragedy but remains a hopeful romantic. She now lives in central Virginia where she continues to foster the possibilities of how love can conquer all. Flickering Heart is book 1 and Revive is book 2 in the Sara Browne series. Stay tuned for updates and announcements on Instagram, Twitter, or sign up for her email list at


Kim Catanzarite is the author of the award-winning Jovian Duology, a sci-fi thriller. She is a freelance writer and editor for publishers and independent authors, and she teaches copyediting for Writer’s Digest University. Her Self-Publishing 101 blog discusses the ins and outs of indie life as well as all things writing craft (Subscribe Here). She lives on the east coast USA with her husband and daughter.

Author Tricia T. LaRochelle


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